Saturday, October 5, 2013

Introduction to Adventures in Family

Most people believe that family life is boring.  Our kids require major sacrifice; therefore, parents have to give up most of their adventure until their kids are older.  Kids don't like change, right?  They need routine, naps, structure, etc..

Don't travel now, wait until the kids are easier.

Going away is too expensive.

We plan on traveling when we're older.

Enough of that BS. We started this blog to motivate families to have adventures now & stop making excuses. Life is too short to do it any other way. Lets make things happen now - this year, this month, or maybe this week.

Since 2009 when our son was born, we've traveled together to 6 countries outside the US.

Even after our daughter joined the family in 2011, we've kept the adventures coming with adventures to Costa Rica & Mexico. 

Nope - we're not special. Our kids misbehave plenty. We are not rich. Actually much of our travel is FREE.

If you want ideas, tips, & tricks creating a family adventure, this blog is for you. We are not a substitute for great websites like TripAdvisor, Kayak, or Yelp; however, we are an informative, motivational, & fun family focused adventure blog. 

We've done some awesome family adventures & learned so many things along the way, we plan on sharing here. Please learn from our mistakes so that you don't make them yourselves!

We're new to blogging, so please bare with us as we figure out all the technical issues. Cheers!

p.s.  If you've just found us & like what you see, please drop us a note.